It is 52 years today that Mike and I tied the knot in San Bernardino, CA. It’s too bad that we still aren’t going strong, but it made for a good life for us and brought us our two wonderful sons. I am just so thankful that we made the decision to retire early and were able to have ten good years of retirement living - exploring the US, a trip to Europe, and just going wherever we wanted to go.
I just had to get out of the house on Sunday, so Frisco and I went for a drive - making a loop to the east through Cottage Grove and Hastings, then back home. At Hastings, we drove along the river walk, parked the car and took a walk. Lots of folks had the same idea, but there was plenty of space between us.
I guess Ben and his family had enough of being cooped up too, they went to the sculpture garden.
I’ve been having lots of long conversations on the phone with friends and family the last week or so. I guess everyone is missing the social contact and also getting in touch to make sure everyone is staying healthy. I’m also keeping myself busy with Frisco walks, working on a puzzle, and I’ve started a crochet project.
The only business that are still in operation are grocery stores, pharmacies, liquor stores, gas stations, and hospitals. The economy has taken a huge dive with so many out of work and the government is looking at ways to stimulate and to help folks get by. Of course, the Republicans want to boost the economy by helping big business and the Democrats want the money to go to the people. There is talk of a stimulus package where everyone will get a check from the government - we shall see how that pans out.
Last week when I was going through some papers, I came across the letter from 2008 where Mike and I got a check for $1200. We really took a beating on our investments that year and never fully recovered. Fortunately, I still have some of it but not enough to last me until my 90s as we had originally planned, so I withdraw and little as possible to make it last.