Monday, August 19. This is a week of many birthdays, starting with my Number 1 Son, Pat, who turns 44 today - does that make me feel old! And I'm sad that I'm not able to be with him to celebrate that wonderful day in my life and all of the joy that he has brought to me through the years. Happy, Happy Birthday, Pat!
Charlotte was testy today - there is no other word for it. She whined about everything, tested the limits, was fussy about eating, and just plain testy. Jill and I took her to Cabrillo playground where she was actually quite adventurous - she climbed up the hill to the slide for the first time (previously only would take the steps), wandered off by herself to ride a tricycle, and stood on the first rung of a ladder - all things that she has been timid about in the past.
I made a pot of Minestrone soup for dinner but Charlotte wouldn't touch it. When Ben got home, he ate and then got started on making a Saurkraut Chocolate Cake for Jill's birthday tomorrow. We finally got to bed right around 11:00 and they had to head to the hospital because Jill was having contractions and they were pretty regularly timed. It is way too early for those babies to be born - she is at 30 weeks and they want her to get to at least 34.
Ben called me at 3:30 to let me know that the contractions have slowed, but she will be there for at least 48 hours, as they will be giving her steroid treatments to help prevent the babies from having respiratory problems, as their lungs are not fully developed yet. All else is looking good.
Tuesday, August 20. Happy Birthday, Jill and Mom Bridge. What a night! Thank God Charlotte was a good girl for me today as I am still under the weather with this crud - now I have almost no voice at all. It was a challenge walking both dogs this morning and pushing C in the stroller, but they all cooperated. I took the dogs back home and then she and I went to the playground for an hour.
There were no new developments with Jill, thankfully. What a way to spend your birthday. Ben came home to pick up some needed items when C was napping and that kind of limited my napping ability - I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep anyway.
Other than a tantrum at dinner time, the evening went well and we had lots of fun. I'm hitting the sack early and hoping for a restful nights of good sleep. I really need it tonight.
Wednesday, August 21. I awoke in a panic this morning, as my left eye has been draining and is bridght red and puffy - is it the dreaded pink eye? Then I realized that I accidentally left Charlotte's bedroom door open last night and she heard me and woke up when I went in the bathroom, so I didn't get the quiet, early start to my day that I was hoping for. Not a problem since she is off to daycare after breakfast. And I am off to walk the dogs after dropping her at daycare.
Then I am off to see a doctor after walking the dogs. This crud I have is persistent and not wanting to let up and I am really worried about this awful eye and I sound like there are many frogs in my throat. I went to the clinic in Corte Madera where I went 2 years ago but learned that they do not accept Medicare and it would cost me $189 just to see someone. They suggested an urgent care clinic in San Rafael, so I headed farther north. I was in and out quickly with prescriptions to clear up the sinus infection that I was diagnosed with, and it is NOT pink eye but a result of the sinus infection.
After a nap, I had several phone conversations with family and then decided to get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful day. The dogs were eager for a walk, so we did the El Camino Del Mar loop that goes along the coast and is gorgeous. It was a perfect kind of day and the fresh air probably did some good.
Ben and Jill came home from the hospital tonight with good news that labor has stopped and Jill is actually feeling pretty good. They got favorable news in that chances are good for the twins, even if they are determined to come early. The best thing right now is for them to stay where they are for a few more weeks.
Thursday, August 22. I'm feeling a little better but my throat is still scratchy and I have very little voice. I didn't feel comfortable taking Charlotte to the library this morning (my eye still looks awful)), so we walked to Sutro Park, about a mile away toward the coast. My intention was to play in the park for a bit and then check out the new overlook that was recently built. Just the thought of the hills going back made me change my mind and we just headed back home.
I took a nap after C went down and I woke up remembering this crazy dream I was having. Now, I don't usually remember dreams but this one was vivid - and I have actually had the same dream in the past. I am in a single story building with connected units, and I keep opening doors and finding that it is not the right door. There are strangers in every one, with luggage and party stuff scattered about and I wake up frustrated that I never open the right door. How weird is that?
Friday, August 23. Mike would be turning 66 today and Jill's brother, Casey, would be turning 36. How sad that they were both way to young to stop celebrating birthdays. I love and miss you, Mike.
Now, there is good news - we have another birthday to celebrate on this day every year. My niece, Amber, gave birth to an 8 pound, 14 ounce baby girl this morning and her name is Harlow MaryLee. Mom and baby are doing well. Congratulations and welcome to the world, little girl!
My sister, Rene, also has a new addition to her family. A calico kitten named Callie Bridget (named after Mike). Sweet.
I did some grocery shopping this morning and since it was cleaning day, Jill and I vacated the house and ran errands this afternoon. The girl is having a real hard time walking, as her belly is so big and heavy.
Saturday, August 24. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a Groupon deal for Lemos Farm in Half Moon Bay, a petting zoo that I thought Charlotte would love. Ben and I took her there this morning. She was all excited about going and we got there just before the rush. The only animals that you could pet were the goats and she was a little timid at first and wouldn't go near them. After we took a train ride and a hay ride, she gained courage and loved feeding them. We had fun but thought it would be nice to go to the beach to eat our lunch and that was a good choice because she absolutely loves it!
She giggled the entire time that Ben was covering her up with sand.
I made Lime Chicken Tacos for dinner tonight and they were a big hit. We're learning that C eagerly eats anything that comes wrapped in a tortilla shell.
Sunday, August 25. Wow! Another week just flew by. Friends of Ben and Jill's, Kerry and Joan and their 2 kids, Henry and Penelope joined us for a pancake breakfast this morning. The kids had a great time playing together and their parents had some time to catch up too.
When C went down for her nap, Ben and I took the dogs for a long walk so we don't have to do it later and can just stay home and watch Breaking Bad. It was foggy but warm and I had to shed my jacket.
I spotted this gorgeous Rose while in our walk and couldn't resist stopping to t are a photo
We both laid down for naps when we got back home, the house was so nice and quiet. But I couldn't sleep - just got all emotional and overwhelmed with sadness every time I closed my eyes - I guess it's best to just stay awake today.
It wasn't long before C woke up and then the sadness disappears. Although she has a cold and I think the stuffiness got to her and she was crying silently too.