I’m feeling sad since hearing yesterday that I have lost two more friends. My friend Sue told me that her sister-in-law Barb (former classmate and roommate of mine) passed away last Friday. Barb suffered a type of brain tumor that accelerated dementia for her and she has been in a care facility for the last few years. It is funny how these things happen as the day before, I was looking for a picture frame and the bin that it was in just happened to have the newspaper announcement from her and Pat’s wedding sitting right on top of all of the other mementos that I have kept all through the years. I glanced at it, didn’t read it, but it’s appearance came back to me today. I also have a photo of Mike and I that was taken at their wedding shortly after we met on my shelf - it just got a new frame a couple of weeks ago.
While looking on the website of the Madison Newspapers for Barb’s obituary, I stumbled on the obituary of Mary Frahm, a friend from back in the 1980s when I belonged to the Madison Business Women’s Association. Mary was the local chapter President at the time and through the years, she groomed me to become the Secretary for a couple of years and eventually the President for two years. We had an annual fundraiser, sponsoring a holiday craft show in McFarland to raise money for college students who would be future business women in the community and we met on a monthly basis and had guest speakers from local professional women. I also worked with Mary’s mother
Shirley and her sister Janelle and Mike and I purchased flooring materials from her business, Bisbee’s Flooring through the years. She was very active in many community events and was a beautiful, kind, caring, fun-loving person who had an unforgettable personality. Dang, it is so sad.
I was invited to join Jill, Lois, and the girls in the first annual Christmas cookie baking day yesterday and we had a marathon. Jill and Norah made cutout sugar cookies, Camille and Lois made Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies, Charlotte and I made Mexican Wedding Cookies (Snowdrops), and Jill made Spritz cookies. It was lots of fun and we had plenty of space in their beautiful new kitchen to have three teams preparing at once.

Ya gotta include a silly picture.

I ran a couple of errands today in hopes of getting everything I need for Christmas out of the way and got home and realized that I forgot to get coffee - number one on my list. Dang it! Then tonight on the weather report, they are saying that a big storm with snow and high winds is heading our way again. That means I will be getting coffee and gas tomorrow so I don’t have to worry about it. I may have Grandkids here for sleepovers on Thursday and Friday as they are on winter break and Mom and Dad are still working.