It was sad to say goodbye to Tom on Tuesday morning, but I have to keep moving forward, so Frisco and I headed off to the northeast for our 1,650 mile drive. Weather predications were good and I had the trip planned out with 8-9 hour drives, stopping for the night at Santa Rosa, NM, Salina, KS, and Clear Lake, IA. All went as planned. On Friday morning, I stopped at my storage unit and picked up a few things that would get my by until Monday when the movers are available. I grabbed the air bed, a camp chair and stool, and a few kitchen items and then headed to Ben’s house to get the keys to the apartment. It was such a joy to see the girls come running out of the house to greet me - all masked up and full of air hugs.
I got to my new place and had some trouble with the key fobs, but helpful folks showed me how to properly use them and I got access to my new apartment. It is bright and all of the appliances are shiny and new. I proceeded to unload the stuff from my car and to get settled with my temporary furnishings.
I got up bright and early yesterday morning and headed to the grocery store during senior hours to stock up on food. I plan to order my groceries for pickup in the future, hoping that if I stay away from public places, I may get to spend some time with the family at Christmas time. We shall see how that works out.