I had originally planned to head to Wisconsin on Monday, but after having so much activity the previous four days, I decided to leave on Tuesday instead. I had several errands to run, laundry to do, and just wanted some down time on Monday. After vacuuming and cleaning up after the girl’s sleepovers, Mavis and I walked to Thompson County Park and got a bit over two miles in - not a bad way to start a nice, warm, spring day! I then ran my errands.
She and I had talked about having an adult beverage on the patio in the afternoon, so we joined a few other folks about 4:00 and had some good conversation. It felt good to socialize a bit!
I got on the road and headed for Pat and Roger’s house at about 7:30, wanting to make it by 11:00 because Pat had a surprise lunch arranged. Well, my GPS was telling me that my ETA was more like 11:30 so I called to get more information and learned that lunch was in Monona. There was no way I could get to her house in time for us both to make it to Monona. So I headed straight there and was the first to arrive at Red Robin and learned that it was closed for lunch. Pat arrived and then the surprise - classmates Judy and Linda and their friend Carol. Our next choice was Buck n Honey’s but they were closed too. Nick’s family diner was open so we had a nice lunch and lots of good conversation.
Back to Hoovey’s house, it was a nice evening full of walking, taking, drinking, and eating. It is so darned nice to be able to be together again, now that we are fully vaccinated.
This morning, Pat had some painting to do, so I split and replanted several of her houseplants. One of them, a jade plant that I had given Pat years ago is coming home with me. The old saying “what goes around comes around” came into play today.
We went to Cimaroli’s tonight and met with some of Roger’s siblings to celebrate Bobby’s birthday and Susie’s and mine too. Of course I had a couple of their $3 Old Fashions that just can’t be beat. I opted for Broiled Walleye and salad for my dinner - it was great!
Patty and I, Best of Friends
The Hooverson Clan