Monday, November 18. Jill took the twins in to be weighed this morning and got good news that Norah gained 7 ounces and Camille gained 9, mostly from nursing. They are 6 weeks old today. The Bridge team is doing a great job and it is true, it does take a village.
Tuesday, November 19. We were off to the JC Penney photo studio this morning and had to have the 3 kids and ourselves ready to leave here by 9:30. It was only 20 minutes later when we loaded up the car. Kind of chaotic with Charlotte changing her clothes every 10 minutes, putting her shoes on and then taking them off, the twins getting diapers changed, then filling them again before you even get them buttoned up, and trying to get ourselves ready too.
Charlotte was fascinated with the mall and all of the Christmas decorations, and we let her play in the mall playground before doing photos. She was not into the photo shoot at all. If the photographer had been more experienced, he would have captured at least a couple of shots of her and her sisters before she would have no more of it. They got several shots of the twins but none of them were really great.
And then when we got back home, Charlotte didn't even take a nap. She laid in her crib for over an hour but never did sleep.
Wednesday, November 20. Today's plan: drop Charlotte off at Maggie's, do the grocery run, make granola, make spaghetti for dinner. Today's actual: Charlotte woke up vomiting, clean up and do laundry, take shower, Charlotte vomits, clean up, do more laundry, bathe Charlotte, repeat this twice more, quick trip to Fresh and Easy and CVS (neighborhood stores) for necessaries, Charlotte sleeps most of the afternoon and is ready for bed early, Ben picked up burritos for dinner. In between, helping with twins.
Poor Charlotte, she was worried that she made a mess, kept asking "what did CC do?", she even told us that it was a sad day. I just felt so helpless. It was also a gray and rainy day all day - that doesn't help you to have a good mood.
I'm tired. Good night.
Thursday, November 21. Today has been better, Charlotte is feeling better but still running a slight fever. I wasn't feeling completely up to par though, maybe just tired out from yesterday. I kind of felt on the verge of coming down with something all day. We shall see.
Friday, November 22. I am remembering the loss of President John F Kennedy fifty years ago today. A sad, sad, event for our country. I remember coming home from school that day to a very sad mother who thought the world of that man.
I woke up feeling just fine this morning - yay! We have a lot of catching up to do, as little gets done when CHwrlotte is around, she is such a busy, jabbering gal (she kind of talks nonstop) these days and being sick doesn't help. So... After breakfast I dropped her off at daycare, stopped at the credit union, got groceries at TJs, got the rest of the groceries at Cal Mart, had some lunch, went for a nice walk with Jill and the twins, helped with bathtime, cut up veggies for snacks, and started to prep dinner. Whew! Now I have a few moments to write a bit.
The weather was gorgeous today.
Sunday, November 24. Here we are, approaching the week of Thanksgiving already, the last week of November, and the end if my 3rd week here in SF. Each week, there have been noticeable differences in the twins development. They are growing so quickly.
We try to have big breakfasts on the weekends, so Ben made bacon, eggs, hash browns and toast yesterday and I made biscuits and gravy today. They all had a birthday party to go to yesterday, so I had a couple of hours to just enjoy the quiet house. I lounged in the tub, made a couple of phone calls, had a glass of wine, and watched a couple of episodes of Arrested Development.
Today, Ben and I took the 4 girls (we can't forget Ruby-doo) for a walk - it's another beautiful sunny day.
This weeks photos of my girls: