Wednesday, October 18. My first week at home has been busy, taking on a few tasks a day, and so far I have got the inside dusted and vacuumed and the patio and carports cleaned off. I also got the patio furniture outside and the swing in the back yard so I can enjoy the birds and the nice weather. Naturally, the Pablo Verde trees needed a good trimming and I cut them back only enough to allow me to walk under them without getting bonked in the head - a job that will need to be continued at a later time (after the trash can is emptied).
I've also connected with some of my community friends: had drinks and dinner with Jan,
Jim, Jeanne, Connie, and Jacki on Monday night to celebrate Jacki's 87th birthday. Arlene and Tom joined me for a drink on Tuesday night and we never tire of things to talk about.
Tonight, I watched the final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and there is no doubt in my mind who to vote for. Trump even said that he didn't know if he would support the elected president, he said he would wait and see what happens. What a total slug of an example of humanity. I don't understand why anyone would vote for him - he is unethical and not qualified for the highest responsibility that a president carries.
I also got a call from Jan, inviting me to go see Michelle Obama speak tomorrow at the convention center - you darn right I want to go.
Saturday, October 22. I arranged for Arlene to let Frisco out on Thursday so I could go see the First Lady. Jan and Connie picked me up at 9 am and we headed to the light rail station where we met up with Jodi and Montana (Jan's daughter and granddaughter), Sandy (Jodi's sister-in-law), and Pam (her friend and coworker). The train took us right to the convention center and we were directed through the lines to get to security and it all worked pretty efficiently.
We ended up sitting in the cheering section - not necessarily because we should have been there - you were supposed to have a wrist band - but they let us on the bleachers and that is where we stayed. We were handed banners to wave and instructed to cheer at various times while we waited for her to come on - at least a 3-hour wait.
Michelle Obama came on and she said all of the things that we expected her to say - stay above the crap that is going on in this election, encourage everyone you know to cast their vote, and pray that Hillary gets more votes than Donald Trump. My picture of her didn't turn out too great, but it documents that I was there!
I have spent the last 2 days appreciating my home, not wanting to wander too far. I did some cleaning, laundry and more yard cleanup.
Arlene invited me to a wonderful dinner last night with Sharla and Tom, James, Betty, Tom K and I. For a woman with poor vision, she sure cooked a heck of a meal - ham, roasted veggies, warm bread, corn, and cranberry sauce with apple and grapes. We had lots of laughs and a great time, as always. A great bunch of folks to hang around.
Today, I wasn't feeling too great - stomach has been upset all day.
Sunday, October 23. I was off to the grocery store this morning to get ingredients for a broccoli salad to take to Nan and Dale's house for dinner - a smoked pork loin that they put on the smoker at 3:30 this morning. Monica joined us and it was so nice to be with that part of my family again. There is always lots to talk about and plenty to eat. Sad thing is - I forgot to put the salad out when dinner time came around. We divvied it up so everyone can have it with their leftovers.
I did go hang out with Connie at the pool for a while this afternoon - we had it all to ourselves.
Sunday, October 23. I was off to the grocery store this morning to get ingredients for a broccoli salad to take to Nan and Dale's house for dinner - a smoked pork loin that they put on the smoker at 3:30 this morning. Monica joined us and it was so nice to be with that part of my family again. There is always lots to talk about and plenty to eat. Sad thing is - I forgot to put the salad out when dinner time came around. We divvied it up so everyone can have it with their leftovers.
I did go hang out with Connie at the pool for a while this afternoon - we had it all to ourselves.