The restaurant occupies the land that was once the Inland Lakes Boat works, Mike’s maternal grandparent’s fiberglass boat building facility. Some of the decor reflects that business, in fact, I used the rest room and as I turned to flush, there on the wall was a photo of Mike’s Mom, her parents and brother.

People rave about the place and I think the decor and atmosphere is really cool, but I thought the food was bland, as did Karen. We had some great conversation and it was so nice to catch up with them - our visits have been too few and too far apart.
I then headed to Dawn’s Bed and Breakfast where I got settled in and then Pat stopped by for a hug on his way home from work - what a guy! Dawn and I went to Cheeser’s Wine Bar for the wine tasting and had a sampling of five wines that were paired with Girl Scout Cookies. What fun! After that, we went back home and had beef stew (her Mom’s recipe) and we talked and talked and had more wine.
Day 2, Friday started with a walk to Sunshine Restaurant for a breakfast meetup with Jonnie. She was so funny - she had a senior moment and she couldn’t find her phone, she went out and checked her truck and there it was on the seat but her truck was locked and the keys were in it. She called her son to come help her get into the truck, but then as we were eating our breakfast, she reached into her jacket pocket and found the keys. We all got a good laugh out of that. After walking back to Dawn’s, we walked downtown to city hall so she could drop off her voting ballot.
I hung out with Susan that afternoon and we had a very nice visit and I left her house with an assortment of fancy yarns - will have to come up with a plan for using them. I sure am praying that she gets good results this week after having a scan to check on how her chemotherapy affected the cancer. Then I was off to Pat and Tracey’s house for the rest of the evening. We got fish fry from Culver’s for dinner and the walleye dinner was excellent!
What a surprise Saturday morning when we woke up to 10” of new snow on the ground. I had checked the forecast before leaving home on Thursday and they were calling for a dusting to 2” at that time. I guess they were wrong on that one! Once a path was shoveled and the roads were plowed,it all melted from those surfaces. Pat had to drive to Madison to check the tent at his worksite (it’s still too cold for plastering) and remove the snow so it wouldn’t cave in. I took a nap while he was gone. We made yummy tuna melts for late lunch/early dinner and they really hit the spot.
Sunday started with coffee with Pat and was followed by breakfast at the Squirrel’s Nest in McFarland, as they are said to have the best walleye breakfast around, complete with yummy Bloody Mary’s - what a way to start the day - we needed naps after that.
My Sister Cousin Girlfriend and I
I met up with classmate and friend, Doug, at BBG’s for a beer and to catch up on the last year’s events. It’s always nice to have a friendly chat with him.
One last stop at Pat’s and then I was back at Dawn’s. Her friend Paul came over for dinner and we watched a couple of British murder mysteries. And then it was off to bed for a good nights sleep before the long drive back home. It really is a piece of cake drive, mostly freeway and decent roads, it’s just long.
Joey was all wiggly and happy when he saw me. He and Deb got along just fine and I’m happy to have that resource close by. Tom and I had a nice, long phone chat and caught up on the events of our lives. It was an early to bed night.