This week continued with feeling mostly sh*##%, due to taking the antibiotic for sinus infection and the recurring symptoms that I have had since last Thursday. When I woke up this morning, I thought “I feel pretty normal!” But still have some slight sinus pressure and got sleep but not good, interrupted sleep.
I had made an appointment with physical therapy based on what others have told me of options to help with back issues and also to see if there were things I could do to strengthen the area before surgery, if needed. After talking with her, they would not suggest anything other than seeing the neurosurgeon and the surgery will be necessary because of the location of the severe compression in the spine. So I guess I’m getting my ducks in a row for that but will know much more after my appointment on Monday.
I did manage to do the majority of my house cleaning job at Ben’s on Thursday, the only thing I didn’t do was the vacuuming. It felt good to be up and about and he and I had a good conversation. I also delivered the pop up valentines that I made for the girls that were just cute as could be. Each one was slight different and they were fun to make.
When I got home last Saturday, my friend and neighbor, Beverly, called to ask me if I was interested in buying her car. Apparently, I had told her in the past that I might be interested, and yes, I am. It is a spotless2002 Toyota Camry XLE (loaded) model with 122,000 miles and year old tires. Compared to my 2007 RAV4 with 190,000 miles, tires that are almost due to replace, and a few body dings, it makes total sense to me and my sons agree, The last few years, it has been stored at her friend George’s home during the worst of winter as she didn’t drive in snowy conditions and it has been so slightly driven the last few years. I will be dealing with George on the sale, having it checked out by my mechanic, Eric, and then dealing with selling mine. They are fine with having no rush because of my current health issues but I would like to take care of it quickly if I can.
I made it through another anniversary of Mike’s passing and really try to do just that. The events leading up to it can’t be forgotten but I would much rather celebrate the life we had together on our anniversary and his birthday, 45 years together for a roller coaster ride is nothing to forget!