Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 1, 2017, AZ. πŸŽ‡ HAPPY NEW YEAR!🎊

Sunday, January 1, 2017.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Guess what? It's still raining.  I took my time getting ready this morning, took everything out of the bathroom and had a shower right here in my camper.  It's a major production, but it felt good to be able to shower at home.  It's a good thing because Pat said she had a cold shower and I'm not a fan of that.

Shelley, Jerome, and Dawn fixed breakfast burritos this morning and we all gathered under their awning to eat.  Mike and Judy had to pull out this morning, as she is having stomach issues and had to get home for medications - lots of rich food around here this weekend.

Happy New Years Eve!

Great photo of Pat and Rog