Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thursday, December 26, 2024, MN

 What a lovely Christmas I had with the family. I headed to their house late in the afternoon on Christmas Eve and they had just gotten home from church. Camille had her room all setup to share with me, complete with Christmas tree and cuddly stuffies to sleep with and I got her bed while she took the air bed.  

The girls wanted to get right into having dinner so we could start the gift opening and game playing. We had the Quinn family traditional Mulligan stew (beef vegetable soup) and blueberry muffins that was tasty as usual.  The girls were so excited to give the gifts that they got for everyone and parents and grandparents got to open gifts first - dang, they are growing up! Giant cheers came up when they opened gifts of LuLu Lemon, Athleta, Ugg, and other brands that I have no clue about but I know they are expensive. They also got big girl bathrobes and were excited about them.  

I was the game organizer and we played a drawing game and A to Z Christmas word game and there was lots of laughter and discussion about what was allowed and what wasn’t. Lots of fun! 

Christmas Day started with a yummy breakfast and then the girls all went to the dog park with the dogs and it was the first time that I had let Joey run free in one of the large dog parks.  He was having such a great time, keeping up with all of the big dogs and marking every tree along the path.  I was afraid that he would venture too far from me but he didn’t, he kept coming to check on me. It was lots of fun!

When we got back home we had Bloody Mary’s and veggie snacks and played some games that the family got for Christmas.  And then it was time for dinner and Chefs Ben and Jill pulled it off again - we had beef tenderloin with horseradish sauce, baked potato, salad with homemade creamy buttermilk dressing, and all was topped off with my traditional cranberry cake with hot butter sauce.  And then it was time to go home.  It felt food to get back to my quiet little apartment again. 

It was a very Merry Christmas!