Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday, February 1, 2025, MN

 Today started out on a fine note with a lovely morning walk that was followed by a welcome conversation with Pat.  We didn’t talk last weekend and I certainly missed hearing his voice.  We talked a bit about the current state of political affairs with Donald Trump setting the tone for a term of chaos.  Pat could see some of the changes that he is making to be sensible and he told me that he sees it all as just another reality show that we have to put up with for the next four years.  We agree that the Dems had better get their shit together and come up with some choices for a candidate that can do some of what the people of America want.  We also agree that nobody in government is really in it for ‘the people’ but all are after power and money.  

I ran went to the credit union, picked up a few groceries, and stopped at my favorite little Assistance League Thrift store.

When I got back home, I learned that my friend Joann passed away yesterday.  She was the first friendly face to welcome me to this apartment complex, introduced me to her circle of friends, and we became good friends.  Joann was a very interesting person who had lots of good (and bad) stories about her life experiences and even a few about previous lives - she firmly believed that she was reincarnated at least twice.  She was also a lover of animals, a contributor to many helpful causes, a staunch Democrat and just a real good person. We got together pretty regularly for a drink or a trip to Willy McCoys with Elaine. She moved to Nebraska last September after getting a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.  I will miss her, as I have since she moved away.

I had a meeting yesterday with a gal at the Senior Center Boutique where I am going to try to sell some of the crafts that I make - mostly so I can continue to make things.  That led to a 4-hour per month volunteer position so my take-home on the sales is 85%.  I dropped off several of the needle felted whirligigs and some gift bags and note pad holders.  We shall see.

When I got home, Joey and I went to Staring Lake park to meet Ben and Yoshi for a walk around the lake.  It was a nice afternoon and always good to hang out with him.

There was big news here at Penelope this week when they fired our Service Coordinator, Maureen, and she was escorted out of the building by the local police.  Dang!  I wonder what the is all about.  And shortly after I heard that news, I learned that the regional director is also leaving after more than 18 years with the company.  Lots of drama around here!

We had a record breaking 52 degree day here on Thursday. Unfortunately, that was my cleaning day at Ben’s but I did take Joey for an early evening walk after some unwinding and relaxing.  Woohoo!  A sign of things to come!