Today's agenda is to pack food and clothes, Frisco's stuff, vacuum the house, put insulation in the windows, lock everything I don't need, go to a dental hygeine appointment, pick up a few groceries, and have dinner with Jan, Jim, and Connie. Hopefully, a good night sleep tonight.
After extending my departure date because of the dental hygiene appointment, they called and canceled because their computer system was down. It has been 6 months and I was so ready for that appointment. I'm very disappointed to say the least.
Tuesday, May 5. That was the shittiest of shitty nights I have had since going through Mike's final illness that lead to his death. I might have slept 2 hours, if that. First, it was just plain restlessness, then having to pee, then anxiety over why I couldn't sleep - reading, playing solitary, staring at the ceiling - nothing worked. Needless to say, I won't be starting my road trip today, unless I get some sleep before I take off. I am certainly anxious to hear what Dr. Panotopoulos has to say this morning.
He said - the problem is the Prednisone, not my heart although it is working harder than it should be, so that means taking medication. I can expect no side affects and reduced blood pressure. So the next thing I did was to call the other doctor about stopping the Prednisone - no problem there, so I hope I am now in recovery mode. I'm still not 100% sure that I will depart today, it might just be best to make the attempt tomorrow when I have had sufficient rest.
Wednesday, May 6, AZ-NM. I woke up after a good night of sleep, feeling much better, but not 100%. I still feel kind of shaky. I was on the road by 8:00, heading east on US 60 to Globe, then southeast on
US 70 to I-10. I will be on that for days and days. The drive all the way to Safford was gorgeous with wildflowers, beautiful mountain ranges, a stray horse, and the gorgeous Gila River with is dense green that was such a contrast against the muted desert greens and the dark, bold mountains. After Safford, it wasn't nearly as scenic with flat dusty land.
I pulled into the Low-Hi RV Ranch, a member park for Loners on ?Wheels. What a concept? I had read about the place on their website and they got good reviews on RV Park Reviews so I thought I would chance it - a good choice. The place is nice and I just finished a nice conversation with a full-timer that has a Class C motor home just like our first one. She loves the motorhome, and loves New Mexico, so spends most of her time doing the state park circuit and moves around to the weather she wants.
Thursday, May 7 - NM, TX
Day 2 of my summer road trip - 297 miles
On the road by 8:30 - not bad considering that my body is still on Arizona time. Sleep was pretty good and I feel much better than yesterday. I stopped frequently, although I was hoping for some nice, shady rest areas but this part of Texas doesn't have much to offer on that front. They are basically a long, long, ramp with some covered picnic areas - frequented mostly by truckers, so I would rather stop at McDonalds or a truck stop.
Alan and Sharon recommend that I stay at Balmorhea State Park, just west of Fort Stockton and it is very nice, although I am wondering if they got their parks mixed up. They told about the beautiful lake and swimming area where the deer were wandering around the yard surrounding the lake. There is a lake here, actually a spring-fed pond with swimming area on each side, although it is closed right now for annual maintenance. They put me in a site that is kind of off by myself and apart from other sites. I considered asking to move, but stayed put because of the way the sun was moving and that I would have some nice shade in a couple of hours. The place has staff on site 24/7 and I had my car remote and wasp spray close at hand.
I have a weak cell phone signal and no internet, so it will be a quiet night of reading, writing and games of Solitaire and Sudoku on the iPad. I sat in the shade with a nice breeze and enjoyed my dinner while Frisco was excited about the Roadrunners that were jarting around - their antics are silly. Beep! Beep!
Friday, May 8 - day 3 - TX, TX, and more TX. 285 miles. On the road by 8am. I knew there would be rain up ahead, as there were giant white cloud clusters on the horizon. Today's drive was a real delight, as the roadsides are carpeted with mostly yellow wild flowers, but there were some bright orange clusters of Gaillardia (blanket flower), soft pink primrose and of course, the lovely Texas Blue Bonnet. The terrain was varied with hills and peaks and many variations of green. The Llano River and many streams actually had water in them. I was looking forward to the drive through the beautiful Hill Country but the cloud layer was so low that it obstructed the view. Rain wasn't really a problem because it was a light mist.
I'm settled in at the Kerrville KOA. A very nice man helped me back in to my site, I know the people around me were probably nervous. I did run into town to the local Walmart for a couple of things to keep me organized - the wheels are constantly turning on that subject. Is it an obsession?
A nice dinner sitting under the pecan tree - feels good.
I forgot to write about the attack of the killer moths this morning. As I awoke and it was just getting light out, I could see the flitting of what I thought was butterflies outside the textured window on the door. I imagined that they were beautiful monarchs on their migration from Mexico. As soon as I switched on the light, I learned that they weren't Monarchs at all, nor were they outside. They were ugly brown moths and I killed 5 or 6 and let a couple out the door. Tonight, as the lights came on again, I found several more. I can't imagine how they got inside - this thing is sealed up pretty well.
I got this great photo of Camille and Norah from Jill today. Sometimes I think that I should reroute and head straight there. I'm ready for some kid activity in my life.
Saturday, May 9, TX. I decided to stay another night at this place in hopes of doing some sightseeing later on - hoping the weather clears a little. They sell gas here ($2.39/gallon), the cheapest I have seen. Pumping it was a bonus too - an old fashioned pump that had the lever in the side that had to be moved to the "on" position. No credit card, no music blasting from the station's speakers, no advertising plastered all over the pump - just a good old fashioned gas pump. Remember these?
I took a drive through Hill Country this afternoon, a route recommended by one of the guys that works here. I started out heading the wrong direction but then realized it and turned back. The drive along the Guadalupe River was as I remembered. Ranches outlined by artistic fences constructed from logs, stones, or a combination thereof. Rolling hills, sharp rock cliffs, cedar and live oak trees, critters, and the many crossings of the meandering river. That is the reason I wanted to come through here and thanks to the stormy weather, I spent an extra day.
Sunday, May 10 guess where - TX. The moth battle continues. I'm thinking they are somehow getting in through the AC compartment. The outside door has to remain open while the fan/AC are on and I think they might be attracted to the heat. The appliances are all vented and I'm sure it doesn't take much of an opening for them to come in. They are creepy though.
I took my time getting ready this morning since I only had a 4-hour drive to do today. My stopover for tonight is the Stephen Austin State Park and the place is gorgeous. I got to drive through and choose my site - they are all very nice shady sites with privacy and a nice, lush green grassy lawn, complete with firepit and picnic table.
As soon as I got settled in, Frisco and I went for a walk, taking a path that led to the Brazos River. The water is really high on the shoreline and moving rapidly. It felt good to walk, guess I haven't been doing much if that lately, other than strolls through the parks where I have been. We got another nice walk in this evening, after it cooled down a bit. I am definitely noticing the humidity.
A selfie - had to take one of that beautiful vine archway, might as well get me in there too.
I talked with both sons today and got to see Ben's family on FaceTime. Charlotte did a twirling dance and a ballet performance for me - so cute. It seems like Norah and Camille are trying to say Grandma - that is Happy Mother's Day enough for me.