7:00 - twins wake, get changed and dressed for the day, go downstairs for breakfast
7:45 - get Charlotte up if she isn't awake, dress, brush teeth and hair and downstairs for breakfast
9:00 - off to school for Charlotte
Go to playground, stroller ride, some outdoor activity with Norah and Camille and maybe
the dogs too.
12:00 - pick Charlotte up from school (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Lunch for all
1:00 - twins down for naps
3:30 - pick Charlotte up from school (Tuesday, Thursday)
4:00 - twins up from nap
5:30 - dinner
6:30 - bath time, pj's, stories for twins
6:45-7:00 - bath, pj's, stories for Charlotte
8:00 - it's quiet - now do laundry, cleanup kitchen, walk the dogs, take a shower, unwind, and
And yes, it is worth it.
I finally got my Arizona drivers license that I renewed on April 16. First, it was sent to Jonnie's but I gave them the wrong address and it got sent back to the DMV. It wasn't here when I arrived but I got to thinking that it might have just been put in a stack of mail since it wasn't forwarded, it would look just like theirs. Jill went through her stuff this morning and there it was, the last piece that she looked at. I really wasn't comfortable with an expired temporary license and no other ID.
Saturday, June 13. It is 8:00 pm and the house is quiets down Lois and I are sitting here with a cool glass of Cabernet. We wore those kids out today and they were hungry and ready for bed when the time came. This morning, we loaded up the van and took them to an indoor playground (it was raining) that was padded and fenced and they could play without too much fear of getting hurt. Naturally, the grandmothers wouldn't let them out of sight. Two of Charlotte's friends showed up with their mom and she joined them and had a ball. Not only did the place have an incredible soft playground, it had a gymnasium full of balls and hoola hoops and wheeled toys to ride. They had a ball! After naps this afternoon we played in the back yard and they endlessly climbed the ladders and slid down the slide.
The girls have done so well with their parents gone. There have been a few times when they were a little clingy and needed extra loving or cried out for Mom, but that has been rare. I will be glad to see them tomorrow but not nearly as glad as they will be to get back to their family.
Sunday, June 14. After another outing this morning, this time to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum to see Lego sculptures and play at the playground, we got through the day and we're happy to have the parental reinforcements arrive in late afternoon. It was another busy, fun day.