Sunday, December 4. It is my brother, Russell's 51st birthday today and I hope he is able to find some comfort and joy in the day. Unfortunately, he is one of those lost, homeless souls living in Cedar Rapid, IA. Family members hear from him now and then and are willing to help, but unwilling to give him a home unless he wakes up and attempts to fight to overcome alcoholism on his own - something that none of us can do for him. The latest that I heard was that he found work and a room to rent.
I went with Pat and Roger to see 2 tiny houses that were set up at Viewpoint Resort yesterday. There was a long line of people waiting to get inside and it took us an hour to work our way to the front and then 5 minutes for the grand tour. They are cute as can be, but way overpriced at $73,000 for about 250 square feet of living space and the bed is in the loft - not a good design for seniors. In fact, many would even have a hard time going up the 3 steps to get in the door. I think a travel trailer in the $20 range would be a much better option.
Last night, Pat and I went to my niece, Monica's house in Peoria for a Christmas Ornament Exchange, some yummy food and drink, and an evening with many sweet young ladies. The drive is long, an hour each way but made it and had a wonderful time.