Friday, March 3. We have been busy with house stuff this week. We met up with Pat and Rog this morning for breakfast at Sassy's and then took a drive out Bush Highway so Karen could get a feel for what the desert looks like around here. It is such a beautiful drive and we lucked out and saw several of the wild horses and even a couple of the newborn foals. The wildflowers along the roadside are starting to open, but I know there will be lots more.
Tonight, we went to TGIF here in the park and sat with a group of women who I thought would be a good group for her to get to know. As we walked back to the house, she thanked me again and told me that she was really feeling good about her decision to move here and is excited about all of the cultural and social options that she will have here. That feeling was reinforced when we met up with an old friend hers, Lois, on Wednesday evening and she was also telling her about the many cultural opportunities that we have in the area. She was excited to learn that Karen is relocating here.
After dinner, I drove her to a hotel near the airport and she will take a shuttle to catch her early morning flight tomorrow.
Sunday, March 5. Parties, Parties, Parties. This weekend, I have been invited to 2 parties with Arlene's family (she says that I am her adopted family) and I have come to know her family pretty well. Her brother, Larry and his wife, Diane, are here visiting from Nebraska and they are getting together for lots of food and talking. Arlene is happy as can be when she can prepare food and have people around her. Good times.
I actually got organized this afternoon and marked off an area of my bedroom that is the size of the U-BOX that I will use for moving. I cleaned out part of my closet and boxed up some of Mike's clothes that I can't part with. I did get rid of some pants that I know won't fit my sons, but that is about it. I also went through my clothes and got rid of 2 large bags of things that I haven't worn or can't wear any more and I took them to the textile recycling here in our park - our social club gets money for those donations.