I stayed at Ben and Jill’s house on Tuesday and Wednesday, as the girls were out of school and they took them to Great Wolf Lodge and Waterpark and I had volunteered to stay with Yoshi. Tuesday was beautiful, so while the dogs were hanging out in the back yard, I gave my car a deep cleaning, using the shop vac on the inside and then giving the outside a good bath too. I also took advantage of the washer and dryer and did my laundry. I timed our Wednesday walk just right as it was warm and sunny when we walked and then it turned cold and rainy - looks like we have had the last of our warm, above average temperatures for this year.
I had to take a picture of this yard that is across the street from Lake Harriet.
It was time for my 6-month follow-up appointment with the Dermatologist for the Alopecia on my forehead and I learned that the hair loss is stopped and I can quit coming in periodically and no longer have to treat it unless it starts up again. I was happy with that news.
I spent a lot of time waiting and a lot of time on the phone on Friday morning with my health insurance benefit provider to choose a new health insurance plan that includes some dental coverage and was quite happy with the outcome of that conversation. I am sticking with a Humana Medicare Advantage plan, but am changing from an HMO to a PPO plan that includes more dental coverage and has a $0 premium. Yay! I can check that off my To Do list.
Frisco and I went over to see Mavis on Friday and we visited, then walked the new trail and tunnel that has been under construction all summer and found it to be a very nice walk - there is no graffiti on the tunnel yet and we wondered how long it will be like that. We then went to the Fireside for some lunch and since it was nice and cool outside, Frisco waited for us in the car.
I’ve been thinking about a way to raise some money to increase my savings account and decided that a seasonal job might be right for me. I filled out an application at Costco and got a call back by the end of the day, learning that the seasonal jobs are part-time, pay $17/hour, and end mid-January. I have an appointment for an interview on Monday.
Then, that night while walking Frisco, I had a conversation with Betty who lives across the street in a condo and I mentioned to her that I had given my name to their manager in case anyone was looking for someone to do house cleaning and she said that she personally was interested and might know of a few others that would be interested. So - she will talk with her friends at happy hour on Monday and I may end up picking up a few cleaning jobs instead. I would much prefer going that route as it means fewer hours, less distance to drive, something that could continue through the year, and cash payments. My fingers are crossed.
I met up with Ben on Saturday and we shopped at the Farmers Market, walked, and had some nice conversation.
My Sunday project was to treat the lower cabinets in my kitchen with Liquid Gold, as some of the finish has worn off and some were looking pretty bad. I tested a small area to see if the Liquid Gold worked and it seemed to do a good job, so I treated them all and it made a nice improvement. I have been a fan of that product for many years.