Happy Birthday to my sweet niece Monica - I sure do miss being around her, she has always been special to me as she was the one who lived closest to us when she was growing up. She is now a lovely, caring Mom of little Logan.
What a day! I did laundry and when I left to switch out from washer to dryer, Joey got in the trash and had dragged a bacon grease soaked paper towel into the living room. I scolded him and reached for it and he lashed out at me and bit my hand, just above the thumb joint. He immediately hung his head as if he knew he did wrong and I ran to the bathroom to clean it up. It was pretty deep and bled like crazy. I didn’t remember having a recent tetanus shot and wasn’t sure if it needed stitches, so I went in to urgent care. No stitches were necessary and it was less than five years since I got the tetanus - she taped it together and ordered a three-day regimen of antibiotic and that was that.
Now, I’m agonizing about him being a danger to my grandkids or some of these feeble old people around me. I think I’m going to give him another chance and will work on the ‘drop it’ and ‘leave it’ commands - also do some research on correcting his reactive behavior.
Another newsworthy mention is that an assassination attempt was made on Donald Trump as he was starting to talk at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday night. The assailant was on a rooftop about 400 yards from the podium, a 20-year old kid. It doesn’t bode well for an already heated and nasty upcoming election.