Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday, August 3, 2024, WI, MN

 I got back home this afternoon and it sure feels good to see Joey again and settle back in to my little box of an apartment.

Most days, I had coffee with Dawn in the morning and then headed over to hang out with Tracey and then for a few hours after Pat got home from work.  Tracey walked over a mile each day and we did some shopping, had breakfast at the Cozy Nuk, and walked the Yahara River path one day.  Amazing improvement.  

Me, Carolyn & Tracey at the River Trail

She has been struggling with sensations of wetness or sweating and feeling the need to change her clothes.  We also made some progress with that last week - Pat was upset and feeling discouraged because she changed her clothes and bedding several times over the weekend and then starting on Monday, she had the usual normal changes of jammies to day clothes and back into jammies the rest of the week.  She gets it that her brain plays tricks on her, but it also keeps her from remembering that.  We also worked on systems for getting dressed and we organized her closet one day.

Jonnie, Mary, Dawn, and I had breakfast together on Thursday morning and I met Susan and Judy for dinner at Viking Brew Pub that night.  It was good to see them all but that was the only connections that I made on this trip.

By yesterday, I was starting to feel ready to get back home and that being away for 10 days was more than enough. The drive back home today was uneventful, although there were some long areas of construction, especially all through Faribault, about 30 miles from home.