Saturday, August 31, 2024

Saturday, August 31, 2024, MN

 Well, it’s the last day and the last weekend of August and it is starting to feel like summer is near its end.  Here and there are trees that are turning red, the Sumac is also changing color, and the squirrels are busy gathering and burying nuts for the winter.  Now and then I see birds flocking together and flying overhead. 

We had two good storms come through here this week, both of them bringing high winds and heavy rains.  There is a lot of tree damage, many that just pulled out of the ground because it is so saturated from all of the rain we have had this summer.  On Monday night, just after the storm went past, I took Joey out and just happened to see a beautiful full rainbow right above our parking lot.  It was brilliant and it appeared to have a faint rainbow above and below it.  Guess what - no camera! I rarely leave the house without my phone but I did that night and missed a great opportunity.  

Ben called on Tuesday to see if I could take Norah and Camille to their dental hygiene appointment, as he had just tested positive for Covid. He said that his symptoms were fever, scratchy throat, fatigue and like a common cold.  He kept away from the rest of the family in hopes that they don’t get it. My fingers are crossed that I don’t get it, as I was with him on Saturday for dinner. I also took the twins to their swim lesson on Wednesday and Charlotte came along, so she and I had some nice one on one time. They were working on diving, as when regular practice season starts in a couple of weeks, they need to be able to dive off the block. Norah seems to be doing well and is confident but Camille is a little hesitant and needs more practice.  

Yesterday, I met Lois at Hyland Lake Reserve to walk the path around the lake together.  We got so involved in talking that we missed the path and ended up crossing the park and arriving at Bush Lake Park a ways to the East. It didn’t matter, as it was a beautiful morning and just nice to walk and talk together.  We stopped at West Side Perks for a Chai Latte after our walk.