Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 21 - 27, 2014 - AZ & CA

Monday, April 21.  My morning started nicely, when I had someone to drink coffee with and talk.  On my walk, I met up with Lois and Kathy - the walking group that usually had 4-7 people sure has decreased.  We had a lively discussion about the Trans Pacific Partnership (NAFTA on steroids) that President Obama is trying to rush through (Fastrack) Congress.  If he has his way, there won't even be a vote.  So please, contact your representatives asking them NOT to go along with it.  It will make it even harder for people in America to find good paying jobs - they will all go to more countries that pay low, low wages.  It is all to benefit large corporations that will send their work overseas and line their pockets.  The corporations are in control of our government, not the people.  Yes, I'm on a rant because I so disagree with this.

I was off to have a manicure and pedicure (thanks to my dear friend, Pat, who gave me her gift certificate befor she left here).  It was nice and relaxing.

Randy took Julie and I to Rancho de Tia Rosa Taqueria for a delicious lunch.  After that, we went and did some shopping before stopping at Julie's Aunt Jean's house for a little visit.  Lots of her family was there, as they are preparing for her 90th birthday celebration this Friday.  She is such a sweetheart and is looking forward to her big day.

Wednesday, April 23.  We have been busy!  Going to the pool, visiting with Aunt Jean, meeting up with friends, and of course, eating (although we have all been good about eating less and not eating a lot of heavy stuff).  Last night we went to San Tan Flat and met up with Randy's classmate, Diane.  She lives near there, so afterward we went to her house and got to see the sun set over the entire valley with the downtown Phoenix skyline in the distance.  It was beautiful!  We also got to meet her 5 Arabian horses, one was a national champion show horse, old and retired now.

Thursday, April 24.  It was another busy day with the Ursinos.  I had my annual checkup with the Endocrinologist this morning and the good news was that my thyroid levels are in balance and my medication stays the same.  The bad news is that I have gained 10 pounds since last year (like I didn't know that) and that my cholesterol is higher than it was.  Still, not so high that I need to take the medications but a warning that I need to lower my intake of saturated fats and stay active.  The news came as no surprise, I just need to curb my sweet tooth.

Back home, I did some laundry and some more prep for my trip and then helped Julie make baked beans and coleslaw to take to Aunt Jean's birthday party tomorrow.  Once we finished that, we put on our swimsuits and headed for the pool. Connie joined us and then Julie's brother, Jeff and his wife, Diana came by.  We had a fun time, but had to get back home to get ready to go to Monica's house.

Monica has moved in with her boyfriend, Loren, at his house in Peoria - way on the northwest side of Phoenix.  They have a beautiful home and we also got to see Monica's cat, Al Pacino and meet Scooter, the Boxer - what a character he is - just a big, silly dog.  Nan and Dale joined us, we had a drink, and then headed to V's Taproom for dinner.  We sat on the beautiful patio, complete with a waterfall wall that overlooked the golf course and had a wonderful dinner and lots of good conversation.  What a sweet niece I have and it was so nice to see her new home and see that she is happy.

Saturday, April 26.  Happy Birthday, Walks!  

Aunt Jean's party yesterday was lots of fun, complete with good food, conversation and live music.  Her family went all out to make her day special and you could tell she was so happy.  Here's a couple of photos.  She sure doesn't look or act like a 90 year old.

Last night, I was invited to Chuck and Kathy's for dinner. They had their granddaughter Peyton for the weekend and Connie and Jeannie joined us too.  They surprised me with a birthday cake and sang Happy Birthday. What great friends I have!

Sunday, April 27.  Happy 66th Birthday to ME!  Today started my trek back to SF for the next 6 weeks before my summer travels start and I will head to the Midwest.  I'm stopping in Oxnard, CA for a 2-day visit with Mary and Lance on the way.  It is a perfect half-way point and I get to see my good friends too.  My car is loaded with all of my gear for the travel trailer, extra stuff that I will need over the next 4-5 months, and the stuff that I will need for the next few weeks.  Naturally, I have to take cool weather, summer, and camping clothes - and Frisco's stuff too!

I have had lots of birthday wishes throughout the day - I'm so lucky to have so many wonderful family and friends.  Thank you all for thinking of me.