I made it to Stoughton by about 4:00 and it sure is good to see Pat and Tracey again and to settle in at the Shady Rest for a couple of weeks visit.
This journal got its start back in 2005 when we started full-timing in a motorhome and traveling around the country, visiting with family and friends and seeing the sights of America. The focus has changed through the years as we became more stationary and no longer travel by motorhome and continues to evolve through the years. To view entries before June of 2013, go to http://archive.bridgeccs.com
Monday, September 2, 2019
Sunday, September 1, 2019, MI, WI
After getting up and having breakfast this morning, I said goodbye and headed south to Stoughton. I noticed quite a bit of leaf color along the roadsides reminding me that fall is on the way. I had stopped at Culver’s in Wausau for a short break when Pat Hooverson called. Since I was going right by their place and they were going to be home, I stopped by for a hug and a short chat.