Thursday, September 12, 2019

Wednesday, September 11, 2019, WI

Today has been a day of remembering the tragic events of 2001 when the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and Flight 43 were struck by terrorists and so many people lost their lives. Also on that day, Ben was returning to the US on a flight from a vacation to Japan. His flight left Tokyo that morning and then after the towers were hit, the US closed airports and were redirecting flights to Canada and other countries. Mike spent hours on the phone with the FCC and the airline for reassurance that he was on the plane and ok. His flight was diverted from Los Angeles to San Francisco (where he lived) and was escorted by US Air Force F-16 planes - the only international flight that was allowed to land after airports were closed. It was such a relief to us when we heard that he was safe.

I’ve been walking with Dawn through the streets of Stoughton in the mornings, something I truly enjoy. It just gives me a feeling of connection and familiarity.

I just love the Weeping Willow trees along the Yahara River.

I took a drive to see the building progress at Jonnie’s small home (550 sf) outside of town. The walls and roof are up and a few windows are installed. I can’t wait to see how cute it will be when it’s finished.  Dang, I forgot to take any photos - next time.

I went to West Allis today to visit with Leslie (a friendship that goes back to about 1972 when she married Mike’s friend Tom Reinhart), haven’t seen her in 3 years and it was nice to see her home again (we have met in between in the past) and we had a nice lunch and glass of wine while catching up.