Monday, February 17, 2020

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Happy 43rd Birthday to my son, Ben. We celebrated with his family, Jill’s parents, and me at Red Cow with beer and burgers followed by cake at their house. Their burgers are so good and I’ve been hungry for one for a while.

I got my photos to airplay on my new TV, so I spent a couple of hours looking at those that I had on my iPad. And then I got to thinking that I could connect a USB backup storage to the TV, so I started looking at photos dating back to 2003. Lots of memories!

I worked a couple of shifts last week and had a Drop Off class on Saturday. 

I booked flights to and from Gainesville, FL to visit Rudy and Sonja in early April. It will be so nice to see them once again - it has been 5 years since we have been together. It will be nice to be in a tropical climate for a few days. Tom will look for flights and join me there if the details work out for him.