Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday, April 4, 2020

Well, it’s been another week of COVID-19 social distancing and observing the governor’s STAY AT HOME order.  The only times I have left the house were to walk Frisco and on Tuesday, I ordered a Papa Murphy’s pizza and went there to pick it up - no contact with humans at all. On Friday, the government started suggesting that people use a mask (homemade is fine) when going out in public, although our dipshit president said he wouldn’t be doing it. And then the next day there were pictures going around social media of him playing golf. In my eyes, he is failing miserably at leading the country in a manner that will protect and help the citizens get through this ordeal. The numbers keep climbing, although we are starting to see some evidence of recovery. Here in Minnesota, almost half of the 1,000 people confirmed have now recovered.

I am keeping my spirits up, communicating regularly with Tom, my sons, siblings, and friends. In fact, I don’t think I’ve talked this much on the phone since the last tragedy in our family - when Rick died two years ago. I FaceTime with the granddaughters most afternoons and Tom and I have been doing video chats too - it’s so much better than just a phone call, but it does remind me of how much better it would be if we were together going through this.

Another indoor activity...this one was a real challenge and it took me a long time.

Walks are getting to be more pleasant, as our days have been steadily warming except for a cold spell every now and then.  I have been walking through city streets and neighborhoods rather than taking the trails, especially on the weekends when everyone is wanting to be out and about. People are respectful of the distancing and allowing plenty of space when passing.  As I walk the nearby streets, I have been finding little sayings embedded in the sidewalks. Here are 2 examples.

This morning’s project was to make face masks. I promised Ben that I would wear them whenever I take the elevator or go out in public. He is very concerned and worried about my safety.