Since we discovered Google DUO, Tom and I see each other frequently but we both really miss each other and are working on a plan to reunite before the summer is over. My afternoon Grandmother/Grandaughter sessions with Camille and Norah continue. The girls are more into teaching me these days than me teaching or playing games with them. They are both getting a lot better at giving step by step instructions. Charlotte is busy with her regular school curriculum during that time. I had a brief conversation with her the other night at bedtime and she was manipulating the effects of the picture on the screen. This is her and Ben.
Reaching out and having conversations with family and friends is a good thing these days. I had a FaceTime conversation with Jim Bucko earlier in the week - haven’t seen him in 2 years and missed seeing him on my vacation that was canceled earlier this month. It was nice! Also have spoken with Connie on FaceTime recently too.