This journal got its start back in 2005 when we started full-timing in a motorhome and traveling around the country, visiting with family and friends and seeing the sights of America. The focus has changed through the years as we became more stationary and no longer travel by motorhome and continues to evolve through the years. To view entries before June of 2013, go to
Monday, August 10, 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
Today was fun! I bought tickets for another Monday Madness Mississippi River boat ride, this time with the granddaughters. After promising their parents to be cautious about COVID protection, we were allowed. We got to their house and stocked up on snacks, they put shoes on (but wanted flip-flops and sandals), got a seat added to the van, and headed out - arriving in plenty of time to check-in and board the boat. This time, there were more people and we took two connected riverboats, one pushed by another. They were happy to get potato chips and lemonade for a snack, were interested in walking around and checking out the boats, and standing on the upper deck in the front of the boat.