Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023, MN, WI

It rained most of the days of Friday and Saturday and finally cleared up on Sunday afternoon. Ben’s family went to the Twins vs Cubs game on Saturday and Charlotte’s 5th grade class got to sing “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” during the 7th Inning Stretch. Jill sent me the video so I could see it. Cute!

I met Ben and his family and the Quinn’s for Mother’s Day brunch at Olivia’s Cafe in Burnsville on Sunday morning.  Jill chose Olivia’s because their entire menu is gluten free and the twins were able to choose whatever they wanted for breakfast. I ordered the special that was tomato basil benedict, 1/4 strawberry waffle, collard greens, and a cranberry mimosa.  The food was delicious and we had a lovely time.  

I had considered going over to their house later in the afternoon but never did make it. I got busy with filling the car up with gas, then doing laundry and getting organized for my Monday travel to visit Patty and Roger.

I headed out at about 8:30 Monday morning and the drive was uneventful. The countryside is now fully green with splatters of color in the flowering trees on the hillsides.  I never get tired of that drive between St Charles, MN and LaCrosse, WI and the Mississippi River valley.  I got to the Hoovey’s house and we had a beer while enjoying the beautiful porch and yard.  Pat and I walked the dogs and then we had a yummy steak dinner and sat around talking until bedtime. 

We have been seeing Cardinals, Hummingbirds, Turkey, and even a pair of Baltimore Orioles while sitting on the porch and just enjoying the view.

Yesterday, Pat and I ran errands, did some shopping and met up with AJ for lunch at the Hubbard Street Diner in Middleton.  He was working on a basement remodel job nearby and needed a little help with cleanup on the project, so Pat and I cleaned up the construction mess in the beautiful bathroom that he built, one of the bedrooms, and the floors in the family room. As we were leaving, the homeowner, Matt got home and was really happy with the job we did. AJ has done a beautiful job and it was so nice to see him again.

While in Middleton, we browsed around the Goodwill store, looking for something that Pat could use for a birdbath.  She has a base but not a bowl.  We found a large round porcelain serving bowl and and a similar small one that we thought might work. Then, a stop at Menards to get some heavy duty glue.  This is what we came up with.

We met Roger at Cimaroli’s for an Old Fashion and some delicious crab dip and toast. Tonight we are going to the Long Branch Saloon for their fried chicken special.