I got out the Christmas decorations and got started on that, little by little. I rode my bike a few times, walked quite a bit with Frisco, had lots of phone conversations with family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday.
I spent Thanksgiving with Nan, Dale, Monica, and friends Mike and his wife Menchu, a very pleasant afternoon with great folks and yummy food, and a FaceTime conversation with the grandkids.
Speaking of Grandkids, I finally finished the collages of their last year.
Charlotte Casey, age 3-4
Norah Lou, age 1-2
Camille Rose, age 1-2
Yesterday, I went with Arlene, Betty, and James to Arlene's sister, Marilyn's house to have dinner with her and Karin and also Sharla and Tom. It as a full fledged Thanksgiving dinner amidst great company. Dinner was traditional with lemon, pumpkin and a blueberry, goat cheese and basil pie that was topped with toasted almonds. Mmmmmmmm! Unusual but very tasty, with just a hint of basil.
I spent the day finishing up on the decorating for Christmas, got the outdoor lights up and they are set on the timer, so we will see what happens when it gets dark out.
I also did laundry and cleaned up the car in preparation for a trip with Pat and Roger tomorrow to San Diego and Yuma for a few days. It should be a good time.