Sunday, December 30. Friday was laundry day and doing some housecleaning before meeting up with Pat and Roger at JJ Madison’s Sports Bar for fish fry. Its always good to see those guys and we had good conversation and a good meal.
Tom was helping Chaney yesterday with a project at his house, so Pat and I went girl shopping - for shoes, swimsuits, and bedding at the Superstition Mall, and at Kohl’s, Tuesday Morning, and DSW Shoes st SanTan Village. It was a good afternoon and always fun to hang out together.
Tom ended up going back to Chaney’s again today to finish their project and I spent the day doing my own projects - submitting a bill to my health insurance for reimbursement before the end of the year deadline, making phone calls to wish my brother, Ron, a Happy 57th Birthday and to my sister, Rene, for a girl chat, a couple of walks with Frisco, cleaning the coffee pot, making oyster cracker snacks for New Years Eve, and grocery shopping.
Tom and I are both gearing up to try a Ketosis diet to lose a few pounds, starting next week. I can’t really say that it is a New Year’s Resolution but we have kind of had that goal for a few weeks but didn’t want to start over the holidays. The worst part will be cutting out carbs and I just realized that the Tonic that I use for my cocktails is 2/3 of my future daily intake. I guess I will be finding something else to drink at happy hour - one thing that I am not willing to give up.