Pat and I went to Monica's annual Jingle and Mingle Christmas ornament exchange on Saturday night. The drive is about 45 minutes longer, as I am much farther to the east. I got to Pat's and realized that I left my gift sitting next to the door at home, so that made it an even longer drive. Regardless, we got there only a half-hour late. The turnout was good, with Nan, Lindsey and her mother plus many of Monica's long-time friends and co-workers in attendance.
We had lots of good food to eat, a glass or two of Sangria, and lots of fun with the ornament exchange. I had stolen a couple of great items that would be nice for the trailer and at the very end, they got stolen from me. I ended up with a fancy, girlie ornament that doesn't fit me or any of my decor, so I will be passing it on to someone. The party broke up pretty early as several people had obligations in the morning and Monica had an early flight out to NYC.
Scooter had fun opening gifts too.
Tom and I met Manuel and Linda for breakfast on Sunday morning at the Black Bear Diner. It was nice to see them again and we had plenty to talk about as they are approaching retirement age and always have lots of questions. It was fun.
Later in the afternoon, we went to the Christmas Tree lighting event at the clubhouse, complete with punch, cookies, and Christmas music.