Charlotte is still going to daycare two days a week, so Jill and I ran some errands after dropping her off on Wednesday morning. Later on, after Frisco's walk, I got my stuff organized and just plain took it easy when Jill went off to meet a friend for lunch. I tried to take a nap, but sleep just didn't want to come to me that first night or the next day.
I did the grocery run later on that day and had dinner ready when Ben and Charlotte got home. Jill is needing to rest throughout the day and is spending lots of time on the couch resting on her side (this provides better blood flow to the babies). It is hard for her be inactive or to have someone helping with chores, but it is important right now to focus on taking care of herself - that's why I'm here.
Thursday was a busy day with Charlotte. She wakes up happy but is hungry and asking for breakfast as soon as her feet hit the floor. What a little busy body! We went to Rossi Playground this morning and I stayed with Charlotte while Jill went to the salon to take care of some business. It was kind of a drizzly morning but it didn't seem to phase any if the kids at the park. Charlotte was mostly interested in the swings today and kept her watchful eye on a chair swing - patiently waiting until it was vacated - then she didn't want to give it up.
While petting Frisco this morning, I spotted a tick on his belly - a swollen, ugly thing that must have come from our walks when we were at Rene's house. I got the tweezers and pulled it out but had to go back again and try again.his time, I'm sure I got the head out, so I cleaned it up and treated it with Neosporin and I'm hoping he is ok. They are persistent creatures, as I continue to treat him on a monthly basis, bust this one was really latched on.
Jill and I were busy on Friday after I dropped Charlotte off at daycare. We took care of some things around the house and worked on getting the curtains hemmed. Now, we have to wait for Ben to get the rods hung up. When the cleaning ladies were here, we walked to the park and just relaxed and enjoyed the nice afternoon. Before heading back home, we stopped at the grocery store for dinner supplies.
They had an ultrasound appointment in the evening and found that the twins are coming right along - Baby A is about 3.5 pounds and Baby B is 2.75 pounds.