Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Happy 7th Birthday to my sweet granddaughters Camille and Norah and 70th to Joyce.  This was what I saw on my first walk of the morning, about 7am. The dark line under the sun is smoke from forest fires, although there are none on the eastern plains.

For Joyce’s Birthday, we headed west on US24 to hike the trails of Grouse Mountain at Mueller State Park.  The trail took us uphill for about half a mile and we were all feeling the breathing changes at that elevation, all except Burrall who is a local boy and grew up in the mountains.  The best thing about going uphill is going back down.

Burrall made Hemingway Daquiri’s for all of us, followed by a yummy dinner of steak, potato, mushrooms, and bread to celebrate Joyce’s birthday.  She wore the t-shirt that her mother wore on her 70th birthday, it was signed by family and friends.