Saturday, March 16, 2019

Saturday, March 16, 2019, AZ

What a fun day today! Jim and Sue came over at noon and we all went to the Superstition Blues and Brews Festival at Flatiron Park here in AJ.  A crowd of about 2,000 was expected and we had n trouble finding a parking spot.  We found a spot to park our chairs and then wandered around to check the place out.  There were 4 bands that each played for about an hour each,  4 beer stands, each with brews from different local breweries, and several food vendors and craft sales.  I tried 2 Amber Ales and a Blonde Ale, all were good.  

We also met up with Wisconsin friends, Craig and Diane and their WI visitor, Carrie.  It was a fun afternoon with lots of good conversation and laughter and great music too!