At the first rest stop, we pulled in, so Tom could check his trailer brakes, as the light on the controller was not coming on or was real dim and he could feel that he didn’t have trailer brakes. There was no fix so we drove on, aware and cautious of the fact. I also noticed that a patch of the side wall on the front of the trailer had pulled away, so he put a couple of screws in it to hold it, covered with duct tape and that has been added to the list of things to fix later.
On we went, and had another short delay when GPS took us on a tour of Fayetteville while looking for a Pilot station. No problem. Once we got off the interstate, the two-way roads were decent and there wasn’t much traffic. There also weren’t real good views of the countryside because of the rain. We found the Kettle Campground and it is a very nice place with sites nestled in the woods, clean and well cared for facilities and it is a stopping point for the trolley (the suggested travel method for visiting the town and for tours, due to limited parking and streets full of tourists.
Once settled and we had a bit of a walk, we headed to town in my car and drove the historic loop and learned just why they recommend using the trolley system. Both of us were hungry for fried chicken and had dinner at Myrtie Mae’s and we were not disappointed.