Saturday, June 22, 2019

Saturday, June 22, 2019, WI

Wednesday was laundry day and it was eventful. I went to town, as I had 3 large loads including Frisco’s bedding. His big, soft, fluffy bed exploded in the dryer and sent flakes of foam flying everywhere in there.  A fellow asked if it was my dryer and then the attendant came and helped me clean up - the base of it melted and opened up to let the foam out.  Bye, bye, dog bed.

While I was folding my stuff, my sister Rita’s girlfriend Shorty, came up to greet me and we ended u having a nice conversation. And I also met Dawn, a gal who is staying here at Viking Village for the summer. Big excitement here in Stoughton.

We met up with some of Mike’s family for lunch at Breakwater in Monona on Thursday. Karen, Sharon, Louie and Dave joined us and we had some fun conversation and it was good to see them all.

In the evening, we went into town to listen to music at the Fireman’s Park Gazebo. Neither of us were big fans of the Accoustic Collective, so we went across the street to the Whatever Tavern and had a beer. Neither of us were big fans of that place either - a lot of regulars who appeared to be heavy drinkers.

Friday was a hang out at home Day - we never left the park. The weather was very nice and after dinner, we got a fire going in the fire pit and burned the wood that I have been carrying since Idaho (I think). It was enjoyable and the sunset was fantastic.

We picked Pat up on Saturday morning and went to a few garage sales - it was Stoughton’s city-wide sales although they were spread out and we did more driving that garage sales.  

This afternoon I noticed that Frisco’s right ear was quite swollen and I was sure that it somehow related to his infected ear. I have an appointment to see a vet next week.

We had a steak and salad dinner with Pat and Tracey in the evening and then sat around telling stories and had a very nice time.  When we got back to the trailer, there was a huge red ball of sun setting in the western sky but I couldn’t get a photo before it slipped behind the trees and disappeared. Believe me, it was beautiful.