Friday was spent going for walks, doing projects around the trailer, and enjoying the breezy day. Later in the afternoon, we drove to DeForest so Tom could get some mud flaps for his truck at the brand new, HUGE, Fleet Farm store. We only saw half of the store in the time that we had. After that, we met Pat and Roger, Susie and Gary, and Dick and Bobby for fish fry at The Owl’s Nest in Poynette. It was a nice time and the food and Old Fashioneds were tasty.
I went to see Fran yesterday morning and we had a nice visit. We went and had dinner with Pat and Tracey and another nice, long chat.
This afternoon, we were going to Warner Park in Madison for a Blues Fest. We got there and a Madison Mallards baseball game was going on and soccer games at the shelter on the west side of the park. I checked the event listing again and realized it was June 16 of 2018. Plan B (in case of bad weather) was to go to see the Capitol and walk State Street, so that is where we headed next. Tom was pretty impressed with the Capitol - the fine marble and, carved metal railings, and the paintings on the ceiling. We climbed the many flights of stairs to the observation tower and looked out at the rooftops of the downtown buildings and Lakes Monona and Mendota off in the distance.
We then walked down State Street as far as University Book Store, then back to State Street Brats. Tom couldn’t resist ordering a brat and I had one of the ribeye steak sandwiches that I remember being so good in the past. Both were yummy, as was the Capitol Amber beer that complimented them.