I did some laundry the other day and discovered there were huge stains on my new capris (from Frisco's blanket bleeding through), so I headed right out to Walmart to get Goop. That is one product that has always worked for removing most stains. Unfortunately, after 2 attempts, the stains are still there. I will try again when I get home, as they are getting lighter and lighter.
I went to Rick's apartment and spent a couple of hours before we met Randy and family at the theater where we saw the movie, Red 2. I thought it was as good as the 1st one - got lots of laughs anyway. Julie and Lanae chose a different movie and then we all met up afterward and went to Springfield Brewing Company for some dinner. None if us were too hungry after filling up on popcorn at the movie.
It was a quiet, relaxing evening after picking up Frisco at the kennel. We are packed and ready for the road.