After my walk this morning, I did some laundry and packed up again to head to my sister, Rene and her husband Mike's home near Truman Lake, about an hour's drive from Rita's home, where I will spend the next 3 days of my trip. The drive took me almost straight east, along some pretty remote back roads - beautiful! It has been 6 years since I've been here and they have made a lot of changes to the place, added on a workshop, a new driveway, and made it more of a home than a cottage since they are now retired and living here permanently. The place looks good and the hugs felt good!
After visiting for a while and the air cooled a bit, we headed down to the lake for a boat ride. This lake is a lot different from Lake of the Ozarks in that you are not allowed to build a home on the shoreline and very few houses are visible from the lake. It was quiet and peaceful and we saw lots of wildlife; Great Blue Herons, a muskrat or beaver, a few Bald Eagles, and a gorgeous sunset. What a nice evening!
My little sister, Rene.